
GEOSIGHT Keeps Calm and Carries On

If you can keep your head when all about you is losing theirs...


GEOSIGHT Keeps Calm and Carries On

It would be all too easy to stick our heads in the sand and try to ignore the current crisis caused by Covid-19. However here at GEOSIGHT we are always trying to keep up to date with the issues that affect your industry and our own.

There is no escaping the fact that business is going to slow down. What we have been doing is assessing how this is going to impact our clients, looking at ways we can to minimise these effects on current projects, and how to ensure future works can still progress or if put on hold, recommence with as little disruption as possible when the world returns to a new normal.

Yes, it’s business as (un)usual at GEOSIGHT

Our team can all work remotely from any location, adhering to the latest guidance to ensure everyone’s safety, whilst making sure we are as efficient as possible to keep your surveys going and on track.

If you need help or would like to discuss support in these difficult times we are here to help, give us a call or drop us a line.

Brian Gamet