The newest acquisition to the GEOSIGHT fleet, meet Taran.
Custom built in 2019 by Audacious Marine as a dedicated shallow water survey vessel, Taran is an MCA coded workboat to category 3, meaning she can conduct operations day or night up to 20 miles from a safe haven.
Taran is a versatile multi-sensor platform that provides capability to carry out the full range of hydrographic & geophysical surveys. She boasts a spacious aft deck and wheelhouse to accommodate survey crew and flexible job specific setups.
Measuring 7m and fully road transportable, Taran can be launched by slip or lift, ensuring she can work anywhere in the UK. With her twin 90HP outboard engines and shallow draft catamaran hulls, Taran is an ideal vessel for all shallow water environments, as well as being a stable platform further out to sea.
Taran fits nicely into GEOSIGHT’s area of expertise and complements our other inshore/nearshore survey vessel Bella. Despite being a new addition to the GEOSIGHT family, she has already begun to earn her keep having been involved in many multibeam bathymetric surveys.